‘The journey’ consist a set of specially designed tools, which encourage movements within packaging to create unique marks on blank vases while in transits. It turns the shipping time into production processing stage.
It’s an experiment in respond to globalisation environmental impact and globalised trade competition leads to excessive production of short-lived or disposable items.
‘The journey’ illustrates the impact, condition and distance of the travel, visualising the journey of geographically distributed objects, which give each object very unique and unpredictable patterns.
The experiment is aimed to reignite or evoke strong emotions between material objects and human relationships by Individualise mass-produced object.
© Copyright 2015 Ying Chang, all rights reserved.

‘The damaged’ is a shipping case, instead of protection, it is deigned to create marks on objects surface while in transit. Each marks document the impact of movements. The results of marks challenge the common perception of perfect aesthetics.

Its internal removable panels armed specially prepared pens. The pens translate the movement of the container and experience of the journey into seismograph like patterns on to the objects surface. The conventional physical role of decorator has been taken over by the passive device.