Malleable State
Exploring the characteristics and expanding the limits of paper, Malleable State involves layering sheets of paper with glue. This treatment makes the material malleable, allowing it to be shaped and "frozen" in a desired form. Once dried, the material possesses the strength of wood, with an aesthetic that resembles leather or plaster.

is a result of a new process in material treatment, which explores and expended the limits of paper.
Derived from my experiment project ' sketch objects', it challenges the perception of value by apply traditional craft principle in material treatment technique to a common material.
The result of the process transformed the characteristics of paper into an intriguing new form which bears the strength of wood and aesthetic of leather or clay.
the objects are the results of testing the new technique on an ordinary material.
Copy right© 2018

Size: 40cm x 20cm Dia
Material: sheet paper, Resin finish coating.
It is now on show at London bridge hotel till May 2019.